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   In this part of the site you can check on all the latest news and updates at Easy Web Cash. As well as looking at the newest programs added to Easy Web Cash you can also see the development diary for latest news on the actual site. Alternatively sign up for the weekly newsletter and receive all this information plus much more at your own convenience. Click here to sign up for the newsletter.                       

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Development Diary


News and Information:





The weekly newsletter is taking a break for a couple of weeks whilst the subscriber base increases. However it will be back on Sunday 25th February, hopefully, bigger and better than before. Have any friends that may be interested in the site? Tell them about it!

If you want your site advertised in the weekly newsletter for free or even to place an ad in it, then please email me with your site’s details!



This last and coming week will see a total revamp of Easy Web Cash. I have decided to get rid of programs and update others as well as sharpen and shorten my analysis of each program. This will hopefully make your stay ay Easy Web Cash more enjoyable and make you return! Hope you like it!





Shock news as AllAdvantage closes! This is what their spokesman had to say, “We are sad to report that the major changes in the marketplace that occurred during the last year now require that we close the AllAdvantage Viewbar and our pay-to-surf, sweepstakes and other incentive programs. We would like to extend our gratitude to all of our loyal members who have been with us on this great adventure.”



A new look for the site. I had been getting feedback from people for some time about the colours clashing so today I decided to re-vamp the whole site! I hope you like it!

Official release date still undecided. I would think sometime in February, but sign up for the newsletter and you will be told about it first!




I still haven’t decided on an official launch date. The website is currently in Beta testing, while I smooth out any rough corners. Please bear with us. The launch date will most certainly be some time this month. If you would like to be informed of the official launch date please subscribe to the Newsletter and you will be told of the date as soon as it is confirmed!




Sorry to those who tried to access the site on Saturday. Freeservers were having an internal server problem that subsequently meant that neither uploading or site maintenance could be carried out. The problem seems fixed now however it is possible that this may happen again due to Freeservers customer levels. Please bookmark the site not so as not to miss out on the newest offers around.


Problems with ftp uploading program Cute FTP. I have decided to avert back to Terrapin FTP, which has seemed reliable in the past.


Today saw the release of Easy Web Cash onto the net. Presently in Beta testing please book mark the site now! (Ctrl+D)


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Latest Programs Added


Ciao is added to Easy Web Cash and It immediately becomes site of the week. Here at Easy Web Cash we really like Ciao and you can see why on the home page under site of the week. Click here to see it now, or check out the Paid for Surveys section.


Due to the closure of AllAdvantage, we have had to redraw it from our site. However we have added Get Pounds. Check out the review by clicking here. More programs very soon. When the site is totally complete I will try and update the programs as best as I can and add new ones at least every week!


With the release of Easy Web Cash all the programs that are currently on the site are in good working order and most are paying – for now!


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Program Information


If you didn’t already know, AllAdvantage sadly departed the world of Paid to Surf on February 1st 2001. This is sad news however towards the end they had begun to slip, so it is probably for the best.

Cash Fiesta

Cash Fiesta this last week has cancelled many accounts for alleged cheating. This is becoming a common error in today’s Paid to… Companies and it has to be sorted out soon!


In recent months BePaid have started to become a joke. They started off so promisingly, however as they plan to re-release their view bar this month for the third time one can only think it may not be the last time either.


AllCommunity last week told us that they would be discontinuing their Paid to Surf program however they would be maintaining their Paid Email and Paid to Sign Up programs. Lets hope that these don’t slip either.


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