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-    Get Paid to Surf -

   Paid to Surf is one of the easiest “Get Paid to…” Programs on the net. Basically the Get Paid to Surf company pays you to screen their adverts on a View Bar at the bottom of your page. This View Bar is usually the size of a banner and when you go on to the internet it runs itself. You usually have to download the View Bar from the companies website or in some cases you can activate it straight off the Get Paid to Surf Web site. Below is the list of the programs. Click on the name of the program to learn more.
Rating: Out of 10 | Min. Pay Out: Minimum amount needed to receive a cheque | Availability: Who the program is available too


Open their browser bar on their site and surf as normal. The only drawback is that you have to type in the URL every time you want to use the Surfbar as there is no facility to work from a favourites folder. The points collected are converted to cash at the end of the month. Unlimited hours.

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Formerly Crew Design, they promised an amazing  $1.25/hr to surf at first, but this has now been reduced dramatically. Surfbar has now been released to all members. 7 referrals levels, high minimum pay out rate but a good 75 hours a month maximum. Paying as a percentage of revenue that will probably be quite low.

Rating: 7  |    Min. Pay Out: $50    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Cashmeter looks very promising. They have just released their surfbar to members that can use PayPal for Beta testing. Members are being paid for beta and early results are good. They offer 4 referral levels and up to 50 hours a month surfing. However in recent weeks rates have dropped!

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |  Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Cash Space have been around for a while without much news. The program looks promising with a generous 7 levels of referrals paid as a percentage of their revenue. The current surfbar is only in Beta. Worth taking a look at though. Unlimited hours. Have begun sending out paid emails.

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Cashsurfers are a basic Surf program and have recently redone their service. Set the same rates worldwide and their surfbar seems to work fine. You can use their surfbar for 4 hours a day (120 hours a month). Points are converted to cash at end of each month. About 1200 points equals one hour. View Bar appears to be reliable.

Rating: 9   |   Min. Pay Out: $20   |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




ePipo has been running since August of last year and looks good. Their bar can be run in single or double banner mode depending on your screen resolution. Internationals can only earn points instead of cash at present. Payment rates below are for double mode. Payments are late!

Rating: 7   |    Min. Pay Out: $24    |   Availability: International (Can only earn points for the moment)


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




The only problem with GetPaid4 is the reliability of their surfbar. Recently there has been a lot of the time it has been unavailable. When it works though it is good and tracks time well. They pay a max 75 hours a month and their rate has been dropping for the past 3 months. Surfbar has been unavailable for the past 2 months!

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $15     |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




A program from the UK with a bit of a difference. Refer someone who is a member of another Psid to Surf company and your pay rate will be higher. Maximum 25 hours a month but I think their rate forecast is a bit too high and they will have to lower it. There has been no news from GetPounds for some 4 months and it may be dead!

Rating: 7   |   Min. Pay Out: $25     |   Availability: International


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There are mixed views about this one. Their surfbar embeds itself so far into your system it is nearly impossible to uninstall. They started with the rate of 40c/hr and have become one of the lowest payers. Their current rate is unknown. Max 40 hours a month.

Rating: 3   |   Min. Pay Out: $20     |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Paidforsurf seemed to start off poorly, strengthened and now have problems paying their members. Unlimited hours a month mean avid surfers could get a decent monthly cheque from them. A lot of work has been done to rid their system of cheaters. However payments are behind schedule and I am told that they are 9 months behind payments!

Rating: 6   |    Min. Pay Out: $20     |  Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




A well established program with good backing. One that should last. Good reliable small surfbar but the payrate is low. You are paid for the amount of ads viewed for up to 15,000 ads per month that only equates to about 2c/hr. Rate is per 1000 ads viewed.

Rating: 4   |   Min. Pay Out: $20      |   Availability: International


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PaysU is currently UK based and have a good range of services. Pay out rates seem reasonable and there are also cash payments for referrals for every ten visitors you send to their site. PaysU also doubles up as Paid Start Page, and Paid Games and Contests. Worth checking out. Some recent problems with cancelling accounts unfairly.

Rating: 7   |    Min. Pay Out: $45     |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Their surfbar works and tracks time well but after promising 40 - 80c/hour their first months rates were the lowest in Paid For Surf Programs at less than 6c/hour. They only respond to emails if it is regards advertising with them. Unlimited hours.

Rating: 5   |   Min. Pay Out: $60     |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Not much information from this program for a while now. Basically a case of join and wait. 6 referral levels with a basic paid for surf program. However only thirty hours a month limit. Still no news as of February 2001. Watch this space!

Rating: 5   |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h


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