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                       - Get Paid for Surveys -

   Something that we all get through our doors now and then, are Surveys. The difference with Get Paid for Surveys is that you are paid to take part in them. They all offer different rates and some pay you more for your opinion rather than filling out an ordinary form. Check them all out and decide what’s best for you!
Rating: Out of 10 | Min. Pay Out: Minimum amount needed to receive a cheque | Availability: Who the program is available too

Ciao  $ Program of the Week – 12.2.01 $                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

Ciao is the first UK company to pay for your opinion. There are different Ciao sites for different countries. This one is for the UK but you can join here for your country and referrals carry through. Earnings are unlimited. Great number of topics to write on and referral earnings are massive. For more information on Ciao goto the homepage and look for program of the week! Get 50p for joining!     

Rating: 10  |    Min. Pay Out: $10    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




ePinions is a unique program and as it's name suggests, you are paid for your views about websites, writings, opinions and more. Only one level of referrals but the earnings are unlimited providing you spend time on their site. Worth checking out.

Rating: 9  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




iCameo were one of the first Paid for Survey programs, however as of now, have still not sent out any surveys. They are due to release a Paid Browser program very soon. Two referral levels on this one. Watch this space.

Rating: 6  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |  Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




This is a relatively new program and they are looking for people to write opinions on a large amount of things. You are paid $1 for everything you participate in. They also offer prizes in and games where you can win loads of cash. Currently paying out and a great site design. Worth having a look at.

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $30    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




Hotrate is a great program, provided you can spare the time to spend on their site. They basically pay you to rate - Websites. The program is paying, and there are plenty of websites to rate. The only drawback I can see with Hotrate is the minimum payout, which is very high!

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $100   |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h




SurveySavvy is a new Survey program owned by Luth Research online. Luth Research have been conducting surveys since 1977 so this one has some good backing. The program has not been released as of yet.
I am told that surveys will take between 10 and 15 minutes to do.

Rating: 5   |    Min. Pay Out: N/A    |   Availability: International


E a s y  W e b  C a s h


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