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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)!!

   Welcome to the FAQ part of Easy Web Cash for those of you who require further information or understanding on what Easy Web Cash offers. Easy Web Cash is primarily a comprehensive “Get Paid to…” guide. It lists the best companies on the net offering the best deals so that you the websurfer can earn money easily and quickly. Below are some commonly asked questions. If you would like further information or help please don’t hesitate to contact me at:

1. What is “Get Paid to Surf”?
”Get Paid to Surf” has probably got to be one of the easiest ‘Make Money Schemes’ around. Basically you sign up to an internet company offering members the chance to be paid to surf the net. You the websurfer sign up and you are then required to download a small file. This folder contains and view-bar that is present when you surf the net. This view-bar in effect calculates the time that you are on the net and then deposits your account with how much you are owed. This scheme is excellent for those that spend quite a lot of time on the net and it is easy to earn money very easily. Recommended “Paid to Surf” Program: AllAdvantage.

2. What is “Money for Email”?
Another incredibly easy concept to make money. You sign up to the internet company offering ‘Money for Mail’. This company is being paid by advertisers to screen their advert. The internet company then distributes these adverts to their members. You receive and email in your inbox from the internet company. Usually you have to open the email and then click on a link where upon you are paid. In other cases the actual email contains the advert, meaning all you have to do is open the email. Simple! Recommended “Money for Email” Program: Inbox Cash.

3. What is a “Paid Start Page”?
Paid start pages are where you sign up to a company offering cash for setting your homepage to what they tell you. This is actually very easily done. You sign up to the company and they tell exactly how to configure your start page and the page they want you to set it as. Then every time you turn the net on and the screen is displayed cash is deposited into your account. Easy Cash! Recommended “Paid Start Page” Program: Skiddily.

4. What are “Multi-pay” programs?
Multi-Pay programs are probably the best way to earn easy cash quickly. Multi-Pay programs basically offer all of the above. For example, AllCommunity pay you for: Surfing the web, having a start page, reading emails and doing searches. As I said these programs are great for earning the most money the fastest. I suggest that if you want to sign up for any program on this website that you at least sign up for a multi-pay program as this will help the money to start rolling in! Recommended “Multi-Pay” Program: AllCommunity.

5. Explain “Paid Surveys” and “Paid Searches”
Paid surveys are very similar to ‘Pay for Email’ programs. An internet company like Survey Savvy pay you for taking part in incredibly simple surveys. These surveys can include things like your interests and hobbies to how much and for what you use the internet. Paid searches are also a good way of making money when you want to. You sign up to a paid search program like Netflip who then pay you for every search you make from their search engine. Some programs pay from as little as $0.01 to as much as $2.00 for every search you make. Recommeded “Paid Survey” Program: Survey Savvy. Recommended “Paid Search” Program: Netflip.

6. What are “Paid Points < = > Cash” Programs?
Paid Points Programs like Multi Kredits offer similar things like the things above however instead of being paid in hard cash they deposit your account with points. These points are like a currency and when your point total reaches a certain value these points are converted into cash and then the money is sent to you. This may sound complicated but really it is incredibly simple and similar to all the other programs. Recommended “Paid Points < = > Cash” Program: Multi Kredits

7. What’s the deal with “Paid to Click” and “Paid to refer” Programs?
”Paid to Click” programs and “Paid to Refer” programs are ideally for webmasters however this does not mean that if you don’t have a website you cannot benefit from it. Actually you can and this again is simple. “Paid to Click” programs pay you to click on banners or view advertiser sites. “Paid to refer” are only really for webmasters and you make money when you tell someone about a site and this site then pays you when and if your friend signs up. Recommended “Paid to Click” Programs: Adsenger. Recommended “Paid to refer” Programs: Adsavers.

8. How do you make money?
I make money from mainly referring people like you, the websurfer to internet company’s who offer cash for certain things. I will usually either be paid a fixed sum or I will be paid a percentage of what you make. If you would like to set up a website please visit my link page for details.

9. Are these websites reliable?
Of course there is no real way of testing whether a website will pay you or whether they are going to rip you off. However, all the companies listed on my site are found all over the internet on similar pages to mine. If I find a scam out then I will inform you. If you want instant notification of a scam please sign up for the monthly newsletter.

10. Do you mind people contacting you?
Not at all. If anything the exact opposite. I rely on your feed back to keep this website running. If there is something you don’t understand, like or even if you want to tell me of a new website that offers great deals then please don’t hesitate to get in touch. My email address is: and I usually check my inbox at least once a day so I will always try to solve your problem as soon as I can. Remember if you don’t understand about something or you just need reassurance then please email me. If you don’t make cash, I don’t make cash!



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