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- Get Paid to Email -

   Get Paid for Email is one of the most popular areas of Paid to Surf. It can be the easiest way to make money but can sometimes be a slow earner. The basic deal is that the Paid for Email company is paid by an advertiser to show their ad in their emails. The Paid for Email company then pays you for viewing that ad. Rates are very variable but an average example is about $0.05 cents an email or up-to $10, however as I said these programs can be a slower earner than others. Check out the list below.

Rating: Out of 10 | Min. Pay Out: Minimum amount needed to receive a cheque | Availability: Who the program is available too


Add Bonus started really well but seemed to quieten down after the first couple of months. A general email in your inbox program with one level of referrals paying out a percentage of their revenue. There have been no emails for four months so this program may be dead.

Rating: 4   |   Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


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AllCommunity are already sending out emails, however they have recently discontinued their surfbar program. They also pay you to shop and sign up others. The emails are regular and they will pay you for 4 referral levels. The only drawback is the minimum payment.

Rating: 7  |    Min. Pay Out: $100    |   Availability: International


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Use your own Browser Club briefcase and decide which type of advertising you want to see. When you have selected your profile, offers will be sent to you by email and you can decide if you wish to be paid for them. International members can sign up. Still no news of their release!

Rating: 7  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |  Availability: International


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This looks a great new program. You are paid $0.05 for every email you receive and the amount of emails you receive is based upon the number of interests you choose at their site. Another plus is the minimum pay out rate at only $10 one of the lowest in this category.

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $10    |   Availability: International


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Inbox Cash arrived at the beginning of August 2000 but as of yet have not sent any emails. Inbox Cash pay you a nice $10 per referral, however this is only paid when your referral has reached the minimum pay out. We will have to wait and see with this one. Still no mailings as of February 2001.

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $20   |   Availability: International


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LunarTic is a unique program in that you are not only paid to read email but you can also become an author and send emails to other subscribers. Their rates have fallen as of late but with enough subscribers to your list you could earn well with this one. $10 for signing up!

Rating: 9   |    Min. Pay Out: $25    |   Availability: International


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A relatively new paid for email program with a great site. Here you have the option of free or paid membership. For the free membership you are paid per email and also paid extra if you interact and fill out the survey in the email. Unlimited earnings.

Rating: 7   |   Min. Pay Out: $20     |   Availability: International


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Net4Biz is probably the best of the Get Paid to read Email programs. They are sending emails on a daily basis. Their stats page is reliable and updated daily. They are one of the best paying too with 1 level of unlimited referrals. They have a reachable minimum pay out which is always nice as well. They now have over 150,000 members.

Rating: 10   |   Min. Pay Out: $20     |   Availability: International


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Pay4Mail offer you emails that contain tips on marketing. Their main program is called Tips4Free. They also build you a 2x7 downline matrix that they say shares out the referrals better. To qualify for free membership and payments you have to refer 25 people to the program. Still no emails.

Rating: 4   |   Min. Pay Out: N/A      |   Availability: International


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SendMoreInfo are well established and follow Net-4-Biz as one of the best. They are a basic email program and their minimum payment is very low. They were sending regular mailings, however these seem to have slowed down of late and some emails are offers rather than paid emails which is disappointing.

Rating: 7   |    Min. Pay Out: $10     |  Availability: International


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A new program released out of the UK offers a basic Paid for Email program. Each email has a link in it that takes you to the advertisers website. You are paid between 1-100 chips for each email, 1chip=1p. Despite the annoying name this company looks promising.

Rating: 7   |   Min. Pay Out: $20      |   Availability: International


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Despite sending out regular emails, Totale-mail’s rates are very low. Most emails are paid at 2c each even though they state a percentage of revenue will be paid. You can also take surveys on site to get credits redeemable for goods. Most of their emails in recent months are now for points not cash.

Rating: 5   |    Min. Pay Out: $25     |   Availability: International


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YoYo Mail

Paid Email with a difference. It follows the same format as most but you have to go to their site to see the email that are delivered in video and audio. There have only been two emails from YoYo Mail in the last four months. May now be dead.

Rating: 3   |   Min. Pay Out: $20     |   Availability: International


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