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- Misc. Get Paid Programs-

   Misc. Paid Programs are all the programs that don’t fit anywhere else on this site. These programs offer varying rates and different pay out rates. They offer loads of different to get paid for including things like listening to music, marketing websites and taking quizzes. Take a look at them and I am sure you will find something that will interest you.

Rating: Out of 10 | Min. Pay Out: Minimum amount needed to receive a cheque | Availability: Who the program is available too


Basic Point have suddenly changed their payment policies and the minimum has increased from $30 to $100. A lot of the free ‘member earning’ options have been taken away and it looks like you will have to pay to earn anything reasonable.

Rating: 2   |   Min. Pay Out: $100    |   Availability: International


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Cash Radio have performed well over the last couple of months. Cash Radio were lucky in the fact that on the same day as RFC discontinued their paid program, Cash Radio released theirs. They will be paying soon and are in unpaid beta at present. Please read their how it works to understand the program. Looks promising.

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


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ItPaystoLearn is a new site that offers cash for answering simple questions. You are paid on the basis of how many questions you get right in their quiz. The rates are a little disappointing but with 10 levels of referrals this is surely one for the webmaster. Worth having a look at though if you like quizzes.

Rating: 7  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |  Availability: International


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When you sign up with MediaBucks you tell them a little about yourself. This allows them to target you with the appropriate ads and information. You are paid for interacting with a variety of multi-media like MP3, movie trailers and adverts. You are then paid in MediaBucks that you can exchange for Videos, CD’s, DVD’s and other electronics. See their FAQ for more info. Looks good though!

Rating: 8  |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


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PayDate is an unusual one in the sense that they pay you for meeting and chatting with people. They also offer 4 referral levels, paid to surf, date, and chat programs. Looks interesting despite the shockingly bad site colours! Receive $5 for signing up!

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $20   |   Availability: International


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Paypile was introduced in August 2000 and the program is due for release soon. A flat rate of pay is offered to yourself and for your referrals. Music is listened to using their Radio Bar. Discounts will be available from their sister site some time later this year. Rates seem well too high!

Rating: 7   |    Min. Pay Out: $20    |   Availability: International


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Launched out of Australia PocketScreen is only paying to Australia and New Zealand members at the moment however they intend to spread to Asia, US, Europe and Canada very soon. Internationals can sign up now and start accumulating points. Last time I checked their rates seemed well too high!

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $20     |   Availability:  (Internationals can sign up now)


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I have heard nothing from these guys in ages so they may now be dead! I will find out about them soon.

Rating: 4   |   Min. Pay Out: ?     |   Availability: International


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TerraShare offer an absolutely brilliant concept. They give you a free website and then pay you for every hit that site receives! Plus they also offer paid to surf and 5 levels of referrals. I recommend you check it out!

Rating: 8   |   Min. Pay Out: $20   |   Availability: International


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This is a relatively new program that gives you 500megs of web storage so that you can sell files over the net. What is even more impressive is that they offer 1000 referral levels! You are paid in Zees and receive 100 for signing up. You then get 1000 Zees for every direct referral. 1000 Zees = $1. I haven’t heard from them for a while but when I last did they looked good! 

Rating: 7   |    Min. Pay Out: $20     |  Availability: International


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