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- Get Paid for a Start Page-
Get Paid to have a Start
Page is simple. You sign up to one of the Paid Start Page programs below
and then they give you a link to put into your browser so that every time
you turn on the internet it will open onto that page. This is a great
simple way to earn cash and although rates tend to be low, it is possible
to make some potential cash with this one.
Rating: Out of 10 | Min. Pay Out: Minimum amount needed to receive a
cheque | Availability: Who the program is
available too
Ignifuge took a long time and a lot of
pressure to make their first payment, but the payments have now been
made. They are a basic Paid for Start Page program and you have to enable
your "tracker" from their site. 300 Visits a month and a four
level referral system. Recently made second payments.
Rating: 7 | Min. Pay Out: $20 |
Availability: International
E a s y W e b C a s h
Skiddily released their program and
began paying on the 1st August 2000. They have recently released their paid
email and paid search programs to compliment their start page program.
They have now expanded into Australia with many more "English
speaking" countries to follow. This looks to be a great program and
I recommend signing up for it.
Rating: 9 | Min. Pay Out: $35 |
Availability: International
E a s y W e b C a s h
Another program well put together. Go to
your virtual start page and click on the banners. You can set the start
page in your own browser. You can combine this with their Virtua Bar surf
bar to double your payments. Statistics page is never updated and their
support is non-existent. This program may be dead
Rating: 4 | Min. Pay Out: $30 |
Availability: International
E a s y W e b C a s h
More Soon…
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