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-Promotional Tools & Tips –

    If you have a website you will know just how hard it is to get those “all important” hits to your site. If you have a site then it is important to get it noticed and for people to know what you are offering. In this part of the site we give you our experience of what has worked and what hasn’t and we tell you of some of the best promotional tools around. This saves you time rather than having to spend precious time hunting round the internet trying to promote you site. There are many different ways in which one can promote their site, and the list below shows some of them. Click on the name of the promotional tool to be taken to a comprehensive guide on each of them. Alternatively if you would like to download this page of tools and tips click here!


Online Promotion | Offline Promotion | Useful Links | FTP Programs 





Online Promotion - Below are a list of the best ways to promote your site online. The list offers different but most importantly free ways in which you can promote your site to boost the all important hits to your site!

Banner Exchanges - Banner Exchanges are pretty easy ways of promoting your site but don’t always guarantee clicks. Basically you sign up to a banner exchange program and they ask you to place a small snippet of HTML on your site. This is the banner and it displays someone else’s banner. On another site someone will be given some HTML that includes your banner in it so more people will see it. Banner Exchange programs also offer certain ratios on how much your banner will be displayed. For example, if the Banner Exchange program offers a 2:1 ratio this basically means that for every two banners you see they will display your banner once on another site. It is complicated to get your head around but it does work. Some exchanges also offer referral programs where you earn credits for referring others and in turn this means you will earn banner impressions. Click here to see some of the best Banner Exchange Programs on the net!

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EzinesEzines, what are they? You may never heard of what an Ezine is before but basically it is an online magazine that is sent to your inbox. There are thousands of Ezines on the net and the Easy Web Cash Newsletter is similar to an Ezine. Ezines are email newsletters that people voluntarily subscribe to. You can find Ezines devoted to every possible topic. They often contain interesting articles, useful information, and other things that you would expect in a normal magazine, including advertisements. Often these advertisement slots are sold to the likes of you and me to promote your site or business. These slots are generally priced on CPM – Cost per thousand readers, and obviously the Ezines that have a higher CPM charge more. Ezine advertising can range in price. Some are free, whereas some charge up to $20. Some charge as little as $1. Click here to see the best Ezine programs on the net!

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Online Clubs/ Chat Rooms - Online clubs are really easy places to promote your site in, however, you must be careful when doing this as some clubs class site promotion as spamming and this can lead to your site and hard earned referrals being cancelled! However many online clubs like Yahoo have specific clubs that cater for every topic under the sun! All you need do is sign up for one or more of these clubs and then post messages and chat in the actual club. I reckon if you target specific people like webmasters or people that have some experience of what you are trying to promote then you are more likely to get them to visit your site than someone who hasn’t a clue what your talking about and Online clubs are ideal for this! Another place that you can promote your site is Chat rooms, however, again be very careful as some people will consider it as spamming if you go into a chat room trying to promote your site or other offers. Regardless to say another way to guide people to your site! Click on one of the links below to be taken to a site that offers online clubs and chat rooms!

Yahoo Clubs

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Classified Ads - It is possible to place classified ads in places of the net for free. This is another really easy way and relatively cheap way to market and promote your site.  One of the best places for classified ads is on Yahoo. You can post your own classified ad there if you follow the "Classifieds" link from the main Yahoo page. Yahoo only allows you to post one classified ad per account. The newest ads are shown at the top with older ones below it. In order to keep your ad on top, you need to either repost it with a different Yahoo account, or cancel your current ad and post it again. Another excellent way to promote your site or programs you offer on your site is to get in touch with the webmaster of that site. At Easy Web Cash we offer both a classified ad of the week on our main page as well as a classified section in our newsletter giving you the chance to promote your site free of charge. Click on one of the links below to be taken to a site that offers classified ads.

Adland Pro Marketing

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Contacting Webmasters - I personally believe that the best way to promote your site is by teaming up with other webmasters and swapping links. The reason for this is that the more people that you swap your link with the more people who are going to see your page and visit it. Plus, if you are linked to a page that is top of the search engine display results, then your site will almost certainly be seen and this in turn can boost your search engine ranking. Another excellent reason for contacting and forming a team with other webmasters is that you can critique each other’s websites and also tell each other of the latest programs. To learn how to contact webmasters properly click here, or click here to be taken to the link page where you can submit your link to me, and others free of charge!

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Search Engine Submitters - I heard once that 80% of web users use search engines. Therefore to target the largest amount of people it is important to place your site on the major and less major search engines. However, this is not always a sure fire way of promoting your site. It often takes up to 8 weeks to get your site listed and even then it could be ranked 100 out of 100 search results, which just doesn’t do anyone any good. However, it is worth submitting your site because as your popularity grows so will your search ranking, thus meaning a greater amount of traffic. Click on one of the links below to submit to a search engine manually. Alternatively, there are many software packages on the net that submit your site to thousands of search engines automatically. The software listed below are free demos, so do not submit to all search engines, but some packages offer as little as $10 to submit your site to 6000 search engines. Check them out!


URL Submitter

Submit Wolf
Page Submit

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Web Rings - Web Rings are free groups that you can join and through it promote your site. There are web rings for nearly every topic available and signing up for them is free and easy. Yahoo offers one of the largest communities of web rings. Basically you sign up to the group and they give you some HTML to place on your page, and that is it! I belong to a web ring and it is below. You can go into other peoples sites of similar categories from it and also find other information out from the web ring central. Give it a go!


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Summary - Of course there are many other ways of promoting your site on the net. I think that the most important thing to do when marketing your site is to read as much information as possible. If you know what is involved when you start you will have a pretty good idea of what to expect. Try as many promotional tools as possible and this will hopefully maximise your results! 


Offline Promotion - Offline promotion is just as important as online promotion, however with offline promotion don’t expect to receive as many hits and don’t expect it to be as quite easy as online promotion. Below is a list of free ways in which to promote your site offline.

Business Cards - Business Cards are an excellent way of reminding people about your site and you can leave them virtually everywhere. Another positive point of business cards is that they are very cheap! Not only is it possible to make your own companies charge ridiculously small prices to make them. You can leave them anywhere; restrooms, include with a tip, give them to friends, colleagues, send them with your bills and thousands of other places. It really is very easy!

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Adding your URL to letters etc… - There are thousands of possible ways to promote your site offline and another way is adding it to any letters, emails, bills, surveys that you take part in or write. You never know the person who opens these things may be interested and may tap into your site. It is worth trying.

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Ring up Random people in the phone book - I personally have never tried this method but know of people who have and it has worked believe it or not. When phoning the person up remember to be kind, courteous and patient. If they don’t want to know about it then leave them. Don’t try forcing it down their necks. That only annoys people and can also be classed as spamming so be careful. Good luck with this one.

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Flyers - Like business cars flyers can also be a very easy and simple way of promoting your site. Most software packages that come with any new PC offer a design package – I have publisher, which can be used for making flyers. Alternatively there are always companies offering to make them for you for a low cost. One thing I would say if you are considering making a flyer is make it professional. If you knock up a flyer in two minutes and it looks like it has been created by a four year old no one is going to give you any credibility. Make it look good and get people interested in it. Try and include some pull off tabs so that people can rip them off rather than taking the whole flyer. This way when they are emptying their pockets they will see it and may check it out. I would suggest printing it on coloured paper to catch peoples attention and trying using pictures rather than reams of text. Try it out and see what happens.

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Summary - Although it can be quite easy to promote your site offline it does not improve your traffic ratings quite as significantly as online promotion. The problem with offline promotion is that it is only possible to target a minority whereas with online promotion you are targeting a majority. However, offline promotion is just as important as online promotion and I would suggest that if you want to maximise your results then the only way to achieve this is by undertaking both types of promotion!


Useful Links - Of course to promote a website you need to actually have a site. The links below are to free website hosting where you can make a site free of charge! I have also included other tools to get you online and working!

Freeservers - Who I am with. They offer free website hosting with around 100MB webspace. Good for the beginner or pro and I chose it mainly because it was free and easy. My only complaint – they often have server problems meaning uploading pages immediately is not always possible. Place a fixed banner at the top of your page. Offer web page builder.

Homestead - Another popular choice. They offer a similar deal to Freeservers, however your URL looks like this – They have an excellent site builder, which I highly recommend and a good support team. Free which is always nice! Place a fixed banner/ bar on your page.

Geocities - Another very popular choice with millions of members. The service is free and they have joined forces with Yahoo. Also offer a site builder but they display this rather annoying banner/search thing on your page, that can be removed but does look ugly!

Angelfire - Similar to Geocities, offers free hosting and a site builder and uploader. Easy to use and easily accessible. The URL they give you lets it down though. Example-

Refmaker - These sites are for the lazy webpage makers amongst us. You sign up to their program and they make your site for you. All you do is place your referral ID codes where they tell you. Very simple and easy. Check my site out at:

MaxReferral - Exactly the same as RefMaker. Take a look and choose the design that suits you best.


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FTP Programs- FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, and it is basically a program that uploads your webpage to your server. Below is a list of some FTP programs that I recommend. All these programs can be downloaded from free of charge!

Terrapin FTP - This is what I use. It is incredibly simple to use, quick easy and hassle free. I recommend this!

Cute FTP - Another very popular program that is very easy to use.

WS_FTP - More text based and a more complicated layout. Not as popular but still worth having a look at.


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